Monday, March 2, 2009

waiting waiting and more waiting!

This is my first time to "blog" so be patient with me! We started to process to adopt in the summer of 2005. At the time the whole process was taking just over a year. Three years and nine months later we are still waiting. The CCAA has been matching at the end of the month. On February 26th, I was sure we would hear from CCAI (our adoption agency). I was on pins and needles all day. Now it is Monday March 2nd and still no word.
This is the equivalent to being pregnant and 3 years overdue. Maybe worse because, our all of our dreams and faith are in the Chinese government. It is 70* in Denver today, but there is a major snow storm on the east coast so we think our referral is delayed due to the weather. Some people with the same LID as us have already seen their babies face. There are no words to describe how it feels so close to being matched with a child that we have waited so long for. Anytime now our dreams will be coming true.

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