Monday, March 2, 2009

How are we going to sleep tonight?!??!?

CCAI just announced that the referrals for March 6 2006 came in this afternoon! They have to translate the information and will give us a call in the morning telling us we can come in and actually get to see a picture of our daughter.

I am planning on getting up and heading towards the CCAI office at 9 am. Judy, the child placement supervisor, gave me the great idea of having breakfast at a Village Inn nearby. Then when they call me I will just be a few blocks away!! I actually thought about hanging out at the office today to see if DHL had a delivery. I did not want the people at the agency to think I was crazy! I am already so excited and wound up and I have to wait 18 more hours! After waiting nearly 4 years you would think this part is a breeze-- but it is not! But it is the most wonderful kind of anxiety you could ever hope for.

I cannot thank the RQ parents for all the support and advice they have provided throughout the last few years enough!!! Thank you RQ!

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