Saturday, March 7, 2009

Care Package and Travel

The two things that are on my mind 24/7 are getting a care package out to our daughter and when on earth are we going to be able to travel to China.
We are able to send a shoe box sized package to China. I bought this cute little photo cube and some warm clothes for the care package. I am also going to send a disposable camera. The orphanage will take pictures and send the camera with our daughter when we meet her.
We are not sure when we are going to travel to China. The Hague has to approve our travel and there are all these confusing steps make that happen.
We are so lucky to have so many supportive friends and family through out this process. Someone in my MOPS group offered us a crib, numerous people want to throw a party, people have offered to care for Tommy and Scout (now that's saying something- Scout is a little spoiled and high maintenance!) We are very touched at the thoughtfulness of our friends and family. I appreciate all the emails about our little girl being in people's thoughts and prayers. The saying "It takes a village" seems to be right on in our case. I have friends of friends offering support and asking what can they do or sending positive messages about how delighted they are about our daughter.
My parents are coming for a visit today. I have been counting down the days until there arrival.
Tommy loves spending time with his grandma and grandpa. My mom and I are going to shop, see a movie, bake, do all kinds of fun things. My dad and Jason will probably work on the house and watch sports.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. We have met our daughter (Yun-Ya Fuyuan Yang) in Januari this year. She was also from Chongqing (Yunyang). The children were all lovely!
    Congratulations with your daughter.
    Anja (proud mom of 2!)

  2. iley and I had the brilliant idea of trying to find a name that meant "cloud" but didn't have any luck. I showed Hudson and Riley the pic last night and they think she is very cute! My kids are of course over the moon, as are Tim and I! We can't wait to meet her, it's hard to imagine that little face half a world away is now our family and yet still so far away!

  3. Congratulations your daughter is so adorable and she has a very cute brother!

  4. Congratulations! She's adorable! Sending you another message privately. Hope you are enjoying your family weekend. What an exciting time!

  5. I just wanted to tell you that you are going to LOVE Chongqing! We adopted our daughter from Feng Du but we spent all of our time down in Chongqing. It's beautiful there with so much to do. If you need anymore pointers for the area, email me at or visit my blog Congratulations!
