Sunday, April 12, 2009


Jason and I made it to China. Friday morning we got up and headed out with my Mom and Tommy. My mom and Tommy were flying to Kansas City. We were planning on taking the Arvada shuttle. When we pulled in the parking lot, we saw the shuttle pulling out!! Luckily the driver turned around and came back for us (won't even get into not getting picked up in Beijing, which we pre-paid for).
Leaving Tommy was heart breaking. I tried my best to hold it together so he would not see me crying. The minute they got on their plane I broke down. (my mom reports he did great on the plane and is having a fantastic time with his cousins)
We flew from Denver to SFO, then SFO to Beijing. We stayed the night in Beijing then flew with our travel group to Chongqing. We could not ask for a better travel group. Their are 6 couples. Three of the couples brought their Chinese daughters. The girls are so adorable. They hold hands as we walk through the city. We actually have a doctor in the group, and she had to leave her 2 year old son. Everyone is really nice and fun to talk to.
I am a ball of nerves today. The babies are coming to Chongqing. I worry about the drive. I pray that they are safe and happy. This has to be very scary for them.
We have been waiting 4 YEARS for this moment and I think the long timeline adds so much more excitement along with other things to this day!
As I sit in this hotel room and write the blog, I just cannot imagine what it will be like to have our daughter right here with us in just a few hours, and in our lives forever. We have waited so long for her. We'll be posting pictures within the next day.